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OCCL And value enhancement
OCCL and value enhancement


In a business that needs to invest a number of years in product quality and customer approvals, there is a premium on competitiveness and profitability.


At OCCL, we are engaged in business with the singular objective to enhance value for all our stakeholders.
This commitment has translated into enhanced value for the benefit of customers, employees, vendors, shareholders, government and the community.

  • For customers this value has comprised the foresight to proactively commission manufacturing capacities aligned with growing customer demand. We provide our customers with the assurance of world-class products that are completely synced with their manufacturing facilities. The result is a superior end product quality that helps take the business of our customers ahead. This has manifested in multifold annual revenue growth over years.
  • For employees, we provide a safe, invigorating and knowledge-enriching workplace environment. We recruit on the basis of merit; we appraise and reward on the basis of individual performance; we delegate responsibilities in line with capabilities. As on 31 March 2019, we employed 200+ individuals.
  • For our vendors, we provide attractive growth opportunities. We engage with vendors on the basis of their overall price-value proposition. A large proportion of our decision to engage with vendors is based on their quality standards, consistency, knowledge, adaptability, service, equipment integrity and value systems.
  • For our vendors, we provide the assurance of long-term supplies. The revenue visibility that we extend to them provides them with the confidence to invest in their businesses for the long-term.
  • For our shareholders, we provide superior relatively de-risked returns across the long-term. These returns comprise dividends, share buyback and capital appreciation on our listed equity shares. During last decade ending 2018-19, the company paid Rs [] in dividends, reduced the equity capital [] per cent following a share buyback and strengthened market capitalisation by [] per cent. The appreciation on the Company’s shares handsomely outperformed growth of the BSE Sensitive Index during the period.
The robustness of our value-enhancing engine was reflected in our strengthened credit rating – from [] to [] in the five years ending 2018-19. across more than two decades.